Minggu, 09 Januari 2011



Is the statement / confession that Allah is one. Studying monotheism is obligatory for every Muslim according to Islamic scholars. In accordance with the word of God in surah Al-Ikhlas verse 1-4. The teachings of Unity not only must be learned but it is believed and lived it right. The doctrine of monotheism is very positive for life and living, because monotheism contains the properties:

1.Melepaskan soul of shock and confusion that can be brought into this fallacy.
2.Sebagai source and motivator of doing good deeds and virtues.
3. Guiding people to the right path and encouraged to practice with sincerity.
4. Bringing people to the balance and perfection of birth and the inner life.

The doctrine of monotheism is also be scaled by Allah to the Prophet and the Apostles before the Prophet Muhammad as where the books revealed before Al-Qur'an.

It is the knowledge that discuss the esa of God and His attributes. The scope of discussion in the science of monotheism is:

1. It-ha associated with Allah (mabda), including problems destiny.
2. Matters relating to the messenger of God as a liaison between man and God and His creatures, like angels, the Prophet, the holy scriptures.
3. The things that berkitan with the life to come, including the issue of heaven and hell.

Science monotheism has several names in accordance with aspects of the discussion which highlight:

1. Tawhid namely the discussion to highlight one aspect of God Almighty
2. Ushuluddin the subject in priority to the basic aspects of religion which is the essential problem in Islam.
3. Namely the nature of understanding and appreciation of the Muslims about the nature of Allah SWT
4. Qauli or Amali namely monotheism which are pronounced by the tongue, believed in the liver, evidenced by the conviction.


"TO each class, either this group or that group, we provide assistance from the Mercy of your Lord. And the mercy of your Lord can not be prevented" (   Surat Al-Isra ': 20) 

Everything will of God Almighty must have happened, and vice versa. Likewise, the remarkable ability of human beings, big / little, good / bad, useful / not, occur because of the will and power of Allah SWT alone. Human capabilities can be divided into;Miracles, Keramat, Ma'unah, Istidraj and Magic.

(A). Miracles It is something extraordinary powers possessed by the Prophet and Messenger of Allah
SWT. "And no right for someone to bring a verse Apostle (Muk- jizat) but with permission AllahSWT "Surah Ar-Rad: 38

As for the function or capability that is owned by the Prophets and Apostles are: 1. As a proof that the owner is an Apostle / Prophet 2. Adding prestige of the Prophet and Apostles. 3. Defeat his enemies.

Miracle nature which is owned by the Apostles / Prophets different. Still can be divided into several kinds:

1. Kauniyah Miracles, is a miracle which is a natural event, such as the sea was split by a blow stick Prophet Musa, peace, and in his moon split into two by the Prophet Muhammad. 2. Miracles Salbiyah or Tarkiyah, the miracle is to make something become helpless, like a prophet ibrahim which makes the fire grow cold. 3. Miracles Syahsiyah or Fi'iyah, is a miracle that emanated from the body's own messenger. For example, its light emanating from the hands of the Prophet Musa, peace, Mengucurnya water from the crevices of the fingers of the hands of Prophet Muhammad SAW. 4. Aqliyah Miracles, is a miracle that can be accepted by the mind and the only example is the Al-Quran.

All of the Apostle (messenger) of Allah SWT equipped with Miracles. Word of God. "To them for coming Apostles him with carrying a real miracle" QS Fathiir: 25. Among them was Prophet Noah AS, could bring flash floods, Prophet Saleh has a camel from the rock magnificent feathers, Prophet Solomon to be able to speak with animals and subjugate the jinn.

Among the Apostles only Prophet Musa, peace, Prophet's ascension, the Prophet Muhammad SAW who have a lot of miracles.

I. Miracles of Prophet Musa AS

Allah He will say: "Verily, Moses has come to bring the evidence of truth (Miracle)(QS: Al-Baqarah: 29)." Verily We have given nine (9) real miracle fruit '(QS: Al-Isra: 101) Nine real miracle that include; Sticks, Hand, Grasshopper, Blood, Taufan, Sea, Mount thur. Here are some embodiment of Miracles is owned by the Prophet Moses yng U.S..Make twelve (12) spring water with hitting his cane (QS: Al-Baqarah: 60), stick into a snake (QS: Al-A'raaf: 107) and (QS: Thaahaa: 20). White hand of Moses can be luminous (QS: Al-A'raaf: 108). Sea splitting into two (Sura: Ash-Syu'ara: 63)

II. Miracles of Prophet Isa AS

Allah says: "And We gave Jesus son of Mary some miracle and we strengthened him with the Holy Spirit (Angel Gabriel)" (Surah: Al-Baqarah: 253). Miracles are owned by the Prophet Isa AS include: Able to give the Spirit to the bird toys made of clay (QS: Ali Imran: 49), Healing the blind since birth (QS: Ali Imran: 49), can turn on people who have died world (QS: Ali Imran 49), knowledge of all that is eaten and stored in people's homes (QA: Ali Imran: 49)

III. Miracles of Prophet Muhammad

Some Miracles of Prophet Muhammad.: 1. Al-Qur'an, contains three main courses which are: Faith, Morals / Budi character, laws that govern the relationship between human beings and also to the nature / environment. 2. Can split the moon into two parts to meet the demand of the polytheists who want proof of his apostleship. 3. Can stop the course of the sun, and get bring back the sun had sunk. 4. Can emit water on the sidelines of his fingers, so mapu watered the crowd. 5. Can reproduce a little food. 6. Can cure some diseases that dangerous. 7. Can know the events that will come.

(B) Keramat

Derived from Arabic Karomah nobility or generosity, which means that in anugerahi by God Almighty to his guardian. For example, they (his guardian) to know the events that will happen or can walk on water surface, etc..

Indeed members and human organs, if used to obey Allah alone without used to perform immoral to have the sacred. Liver for example can learn to know something will happen, if the stomach can refuse food in the food served is haraam, ears to listen to the voices of unseen, and the eyes can see something behind a wall or even to see clearly something that was in the distance.

Wali Allah Almighty who had received the sacred that is Mary the mother of Prophet Isa AS. From the time of Mary, devoted himself to worship Allah in mirhab built by his uncle of the Prophet Zachariah, so there is no time for him to think about other things. Every entrance into the sanctuary of the Prophet Zakariya always find delicious food served on the side of Mary. When asked where he acquired it, Maryalways said "Verily, Allah gives sustenance to those who wished." Another saint who also obtained a Keramat is seven (7) youth who avoid the pursuit of a despotic ruler of the cave and eventually they fall asleep for 300 years, but whenawakened their bodies stay healthy and they are the same condition as when memreka enter the cave, as recounted in Al Qur'an in surat Al-Kahf.

C. Ma 'unah
The ability of ordinary people with the permission of Allah SWT to do something extraordinary called Ma'unah.

D. Istidraj

The ability of the wicked, by permission of Allah to do something extraordinary, for example, can stop a speeding vehicle or lift boulders that logically beyond his ability.

D. Magic

The ability of infidels or criminals with the permission of Allah SWT to make extraordinary decree anything destructive. Magic can affect the liver or the body, destroy his possessions, and decide one's affection rope.

Jumat, 24 Desember 2010


Wali songo including figures who contributed to development of islamic religion  in Indonesia. Wali Songo, or wali sanga known as a propagator of religion of Islam in the land of Java in the 14th century. They are the guardians songo lived in three important areas north coast of Java island, namely Surabaya, Gresik, Lamongan in East Java, Demak-Kudus-Muria in Central Java and Cirebon in West Java.
Songo guardian Era is the era of the end of Hindu-Buddhist dominance in the culture of the archipelago to be replaced with Islamic culture.

meaning word Wali Songo
There are several opinions about the guardian songo. First is the guardian nine coming from the Java language that is dross, there is a distinguished noble, say jg derived from the Arabic word and tsana from there which means place. Others say the guardian council songo is the first mission founded by Sunan Gresik namely Maulana Malik Ibrahim on year 1404 AD / 808 AH It songo guardian council member Maulana Malik Ibrahim (Sunan Gresik) itself, Maulana Ishaq (wali Sunan Lanang), Maulana Ahmad Jumadi Kubro (Sunan Kubrawi), Maulana Muhammad al-Maghrabi (Sunan Maghrabi), Maulana Malik Israil (of Champa), Maulana Ali Akbar, Maulana Hasanuddin, Maulana 'Aliyuddin and Syaik Subakir.

Of the many carers there are nine names songo the headliner namely:
  1. Sunan Gresik or Maulana Malik Ibrahim.
  2. Sunan Ampel or Raden Rahmat.
  3. Sunan Bonang or Makhdum Raden Ibrahim.
  4. Sunan Drajat or Raden Qosim.
  5. Sunan kudus or Ja'far Sadeq.
  6. Sunan Giri or Raden Paku / 'Ainul Yaqin. 
  7. Sunan Kalijaga or Raden Said.
  8. Sunan Muria or Raden Umar Said
  9. Sunan Gunung Jati or Sharif Hidayatulla

Sunan Gresik or Maulana Malik Ibrahim was derived to 22 of the prophet Muhammad SAW. He estimated Samarkan born in Central Asia. Maulana Malik Ibrahim Regarded as one of the men who first spread the religion of Islam in the land of Java. He is embracing a distinguished masyarak Javanese Majapahit excluded from power. He founded the hostel to study Islamic religion dilereng Gresik. He Died in 1419.

2.SUNAN Ampel
Sunan Ampel Or is the descendant of Raden Rahmat to 22 of the prophet Muhammad SAW. According to history he was the son of Al-Akbar Ibrahim Zainuddin who is married to Princess Champa named goddess Condro distinguished from the Ming dynasty the last one. Sunan Ampel considered an elder by the other trustees.Pesantren there in Denta Ampel Surabaya and is the oldest place of the spread of Islam in Java.

3.SUNAN Bonang
Sunan Bonang was the son of Sunan Ampel. Descended to 23 of the prophet Muhammad. He is preaching through art. He dikatan seagai modifier Wijjil seclusion and Tombok Heart lagukan who still frequent in men. Sunan Bonang diperkirankan wafa in 1525 AD

4.SUNAN Drajat
Sunan Drajat was the son of Sunan Ampel with Manda Ageng singing daughter of a distinguished Tuban duke named Arya Teja and descended to 23 of the prophet Muhammad SAW. Sunan Drajat much preaching to the people most. He mengajarakan generosity, hard work and increased prosperity as an Islamic religious practice.Pesantren Sunan Drajat run independently housed in the village of Lamongan degrees.Sunan Drajat presumed dead in tahun1522 M.

 5.SUNAN Kudus
Kudus is the son of Sunan Sunan Ngudung or Raden Usman Aji with Syarifah Ruhil title Nyi Nyi Ageng binti Anom Manyuran Malacca bin Sunan Ampel (Jd grandson of Sunan Ampel). Sunan descent to 24 of the Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW. As a trustee he berpern in the government of the sultanate of Demak as a warlord, Murshid Tariqa and a state court judge. He was a lot of preaching among the rulers and nobility of Java.Among his pupils was the ruler Parwoto Sunan Demak and Raden Arya Penagsang panolan Duke Noble. One legacy is a Mosque Minaret. He died in 1550 AD ny

6.SUNAN Giri
Sunan giri is the son of Maulana Ishaq. Sunan giri is a descendant of the prophet Muhammad to the 23 dri SAW.Ia is a student of Sunan Ampel and his seperguruan Sunan Bonang. He established the self-government in the next Giri kedaton Gresik role as a center of propaganda in Java and Indoneia section even until well into the eastern Moluccas islands. One of his most famous son is Sunan Giri Prapan who spread Islam in Lombok and Bima.

7. Sunan Kalijaga
Sunan Kalijaga is the son of the Duke of Tuban who named Raden Raden Wilatika or Sahur or Sayyid Ahmad ibn Mansour (Sheikh Subakir). He is a student of Sunan Bonang. Sunan Kalijaga using arts and culture as a means of preaching, among other things with puppets and song seclusion. Ilir-ilir song seclusion and Bald-shaven uumnya hoe is regarded as his work.

Sunan Muria Raden Umar Said or Sunan Kalijaga is the son of his wife Dewi Sarah bint Maulana Ishaq. Sunan Muria was married to Goddess Sujinah daughter of Sunan Ngundung, thus He is the brother-in-law of Sunan Kudus.

  Sunan Gunung Jati or Hidayahtullah Sharif is the son of abdullah Umdatunddin Sharif Ali's son Husain Sheikh Nurul Alam's son Akbar Jamaliddin son. From his mother's side still offspring Palace Pajajaran via Nyi Rara Jones is the son of King Sri Maharaja Baduga. Cirebon, Sunan Gunung be made as a center of propaganda and the government, which later became the Sultanate of Cirebon. Her son is named Maulana Hasanuddin who successfully develop and deploy the power of religion in Banten so that became the forerunners of Kesultanaan Banten.


According to Sunan Ampel haul of books written by KH Mohammad Dahlan, a general assembly called the mayor preaches songo actually comprised several armed. The guardians songo a very popular life is not exactly at the same time, However one another has close links either blood or marriage or the relationship of teacher and student. When someone dies it is replaced by a prominent position in the other. Wali songo consists of 8 force.
As for the force to 1 (1404-1435 AD), into 2 (1435-1483 AD), s / d to 8 (1592-1650).

The legend is Raden Fatah forces into 4 (1466-1513), Sheikh Siti Jenar that menggntikan Sunan Ampel force to 5 (1513-1533), Sultan Hadiwijaya or Joko Tingkir the 8th generation

schools of islamic jurisprudence

Islamic schools of law within the meaning is derived someone with street Ijtihat, school that is widely used by Muslims of the Sunni (90% of adherents of Islam in the world) is the Hanafi school, school of Maliki, Shafi'i school and the Hanbali school. Meanwhile, among the Shiites (10% of adherents of the Islamic world.) School Ja'fari, Ismaili Sect, School Zaidiyah.
In terms of school language derived from Arabic is the road that passed and passed, something that becomes one's goals both concrete and abstract. Something is said to school for a person if the way or road became his trademark. According to the scholars and religious scholars of Islam who say school is the method (manhaj) formed after going through the thought and research, then people who live it makes a clear guideline limits, its parts are built on the principles and rules
Although Sunni Islam and Shiite faction know as well as some school, not that there is a difference or an absolute contradiction in the religion of Islam. Instead it is the difference through logical opinions and ideas in the understanding of Islam. Subject matter such as Tawheed and Aqeedah still the same and unchanged, in which all people of Islam recognize their Lord is Allah, the Prophet / Muhammad is his Prophet and his book Al-Qur'an.

Sunni or better known as Ahlul Sunnah Wal Jamaat. At the beginning has a lot of flow to eventually stay only four of the most famous school, followed by Sunni Islam. Fourth School, according to Sunni Islamic belief is valid to follow. Differences of each school are not fundamenta.

  • Hanafi School

Founded by Imam Hanfi
Many followers in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Srilanglka, Maldives, northern Egypt, sebahagian Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Palestine.

  • Maliki.

Founded by Imam Malik
Numerous followers in West Africa.

  • Shafi sect

Founded by Imam Shafi'i
Follower: Indonesia, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Egypt, Somalia, Yemen, Thailand, Singapore, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and became an official school in Malaysia and Brunei.

  • Hanbali school of

Established by the disciples of Imam Ahmad bin Hambal.
Dominant followers in the Arab peninsula. This school is a school that embraced in Saudi Arabia.


Shiite or Shiite Ali dengn better known in Talib. In the beginning, also has a lot of flow.But finally only three famous pad today. Understand that school Itsna (twelve priests) Asyariah (most viewed), Ismiliyah School, School Zaidiyah. In the belief of the Shiite Ali Bin Abi Talib and his descendants are the most entitled to take the lead and held the reins of leadership as the Caliph and Imam for the people of the third school of Shiite Muslim.Diantara there is a difference in terms of who the priest and the priests as a substitute this.

  • School Itsna Asyariah / Ja 'Fari
Named Imamiah and twelfth Imam, named this because they believe the right to lead the Islamic ummah are priests and they believe there were twelve priests.
Their sequence is:
  1. Ali Bin Abi Talib.
  2. Hasan Bin Ali.
  3. Bin Husin Ali.
  4. Ali Bin Husain.
  5. Mohammed Bin Ali.
  6. Jafar Bin Mohammed.
  7. Musa Bin Jaafar.
  8. Ali Bin Musa.
  9. Mohammed Bin Ali.
  10. Ali Bin Muhammad.
  11. Hasan Bin Ali.
  12. Muhammad Bin Hasan.
This sect is the official school of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Ismaili sect
Called also with seven priests school because they believe only seven people from Ali Bin Abi Talib is entitled to become Muslims priest, and they believe Ishmael was the seventh yamg become priests.
The order they are:

  1. Ali Bin Abi Talib.
  2. Hasan Bin Ali.
  3. Bin Husin Ali.
  4. Ali Bin Husain.
  5. Mohammed Bin Ali.
  6. Jafar Bin Mohammed.
  7. Ismail bin Jafar.
School Zaidiyah
Named after the five priests also because they believe this is only five priests who have the right to lead the Islamic ummah. This school is considered moderate because they recognize the three priests before the Ali Bin Abi Talib
The order they are:
  1. Ali Bin Abi Talib.
  2. Hasan Bin Ali.
  3. Bin Husin Ali.
  4. Ali Bin Husain.
  5. Zaid Bin Ali

Kamis, 23 Desember 2010

kulafaur rasyidin

DEFINITION is the caliph khulafau Rasyidin a wise and prudent. They are the companions of Muhammad who was elected Rasullah pangganti after Rasullah's death, other than that there are four characters on them .. Rasullah Abu Bakar Sidiq are honest, patient and wise, Umar Bin Khatab was a very serious and brave in upholding justice, he never smiled so Rasullahlah man once said let the devil would be afraid if you met him, Usman bin Affan was the one with modern thinking in the time he was the first time Al-Qur'an in print in book form, while Ali Bin Abi Talib is the highly intelligent person.

A. AH Abubakar Siddiq RA. (11-13 H/632-634 M)

The original name Abdullah bin Abi Quhafah, born after the Prophet aged 2 yrs 1 month later known by the nickname Abu Bakr, while Ash Siddiq acquired him because he really justify Rasullah SAW in all respects.

Since the young have become friends and he is also the Prophet Muhammad when the Prophet Muhammad that accompany when the cave hira. He jg first person from among the parents who first embraced Islam. When the Prophet was ill, he is trusted by friends as a priest to offer prayers.
The first program when he became Caliph is soaking rebellion, fighting against those who disobey not want to pay zakat, apostate who was a lot going on and cause chaos everywhere. After the prophet's death they feel entitled to do sekendahak liver. Even more tragic longer appears the people who claim to be a false prophet, among others Musallamah Al-Kadzdzdab, Tulaiha al-Asadi and Al-Aswad Al-Ansi

To align aqidah these people, he sent the army eleven eleven regions, in addition to that he ordered the collection and writing of the verses of Al-Qur-'An with Zaid bin Thabit appointed as the executing.

The collection and writing of Al-Qur'an done with petinbangan:

1. Many friends who know by heart al-Qur 'died in the war quell apostasy
2. The verses of Al-Qur'an, written on palm shells, stones, bark a lot of damaged and need repair.
3. Writing and books are for people yamg will come to read it and become a guideline Within the era.

During his reign, Abu Bakr also expand the area include the Iraqi Islamic proselytizing under Persian and Syrian rule that under Roman rule.

B. UMAR BIN KHATAB RA. (13-23 H/634-644)

He is younger than 13 years of the prophet Muhammad SAW. Since childhood he has been known for smart and brave. There was never afraid to state the truth in front of anyone. It is not surprising that after he converted to Islam the Muslims greatly feared by orang2 Quraish. Then He is best known as the "Lion of the Desert." He also holds al-Faruq, meaning people who firmly distinguish between right and wrong.

In his reign Islam expanded to Egypt, Syria, Iraq and other Persian countries. Umar was the first to form a judicial body and perfecting the system of government and continue the effort recorded Al-Qur'an.

He died at the age of 63 years after ruling for 10 years and six months. He stabbed the sword dies Abu Lu'lu "Ah, a slave owned by Al-Mugheerah bin Shucba during dawn prayers. He was buried in Aisha's house near the tomb of Abu Bakr. He was a hero who is very simple and loving the little people. The words which widely known is "Who saw me deviate, then he straightened my henaklah"

Services Umar bin Khatab when it became caliph

1. Determination of Hijri year as the official year
2. Customs as income Countries
3. Social benefits for poor people than among the Christian and Jewish
4 Development of Cities and waterways to improve people's welfare.
5. The award of salaries for the imam and muezzin
6. Abolition of slavery
7. Construction of schools
8. Kondisifikasi Al-Qur'an
9. Tradition tarawih prayer in congregation.

C. BIN Uthman Affan RA. (23-35 H/644-656 M)

He was a wealthy sadagara and co-author of the famous revelation. He was five years younger than the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Since the young He is best known as a quiet and has an admirable character. He who buys Raunah wells to serve the public well. So many charitable good deeds so that people menggelarinya "Ghaniyyun Shakir" (the rich are most grateful to AllahSWT).

Even the rich, Usman was never keep a distance from the lower class people, even he did not hesitate to join the war. Because of his kindness he dinikhi with the daughter of the Prophet who named Ruqaiyah. After Ruqaiyah died he married the daughter of another prophet Umm Kulthum. Because people give him the title "Dzun Nuran" (who had two light)

Step-langkahyang done is replace gubernur2 he conquered countries who want to secede after Umar Bin Khatab died. Then he reproduce the text of Al-Qur'an that have been booked into seven copies of, among others, sent to Syria, Yemen, Bahrain and etc Kufa.

Usman died at the age of 82. He had died when I read Al-Qur-'An, by the sword stab Humran bin Sudan. Usman was the greatest service to maintain Al-Qur-An, as the spread now.

D. Ali ibn Abi Talib RA. (35-40 H / 656-661 AD)

He is the son of Abu Talib, the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad. As a cousin who was 32 years younger, allows he was in custody directly by the Prophet Muhammad. From a class of children he was the first to embrace Islam. No wonder his knowledge of Islam is vast and holds fast to his teachings.
since the time of Ali's Islamic government is receding. Starting from the many demands for the death of Uthman Affan bib, especially from among infants Umaiyyah and groups' Aisha. The atmosphere heats up with the wisdom of replacing most of the government officials who have been appointed by Uthman.

Deadlocked peace effort, resulting in war. First battle Waq'atul touched (Naming is because Aisha with his troops using camel). This battle occurred in AD because of incitement 36H/657 Abdullah bin saba '. This war was won by Ali Forces. Having briefed Aisha finally returned to Madinah with respect and initiated.

Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010



In essence, faith and Islam  is an integral and not separate, parables islam is a building, while the priest is the foundation. Islam is the principal who grew up on the rules of sharia ( Islamic ) Sharia was grown by kepercyaan (faith) . thus, there is no sharia in Islam but in the presence of trust. (faith). Faith is a fundamental problem in Islam  . Messenger is always preaching to instill a matter of faith. What is faith according to the saheeh hadeeth narrated by Muslim: "faith is you believe in (the six pillars of faith).
  1. Allah SWT.
  2. His angels.
  3. His scriptures.
  4. Messenger of His apostles.
  5. Days later
  6. His fate is outlined.
Confirmed by a letter of An-Nisa verse 136 :"..... Whoever denies God, His angels, His scriptures, His messengers and the Last Day, then he has gone astray as far as possible. 

1. Faith in God Almighty
People of Islam is obligatory to believe fully the existence of Allah, the Almighty God, creator and sole ruler of the universe, the owner of all the greatness and perfection.
What evidence is there that God is Almighty? to answer this question the clergy called forth the proposition that the proposition "starting behind" in terms of the original argument of "At-Tamanu". Namely, if there is some God (if only there were two gods), surely there will be clashes between the two. And certainly, God wants each other menglahkan God. Consequently, if God is one, for example, intends to create the universe, while others do not what happened? There will be a disaster !!!!!
The question arises: Is it not possible that both God's peace and work together in realizing nature? If this happens means that illustrates just how weak and stupid God-God is because it means they are no different from humans who need to work together to make / create something.

According to a prominent Muslim leaders from Pakistan (Abul A'la Maududi) positive impact of faith in God:
  1. Eliminating the narrow and parochial outlook.
  2. Instilling confidence in yourself and know self-esteem.
  3. Growing humble, peaceful attitude, and sincere.
  4. Form a virtuous man and a knight
  5. eliminates the nature morose and hopeless in the face of every problem
  6. Resolute, patient, steadfast, and full of optimism
  7. Made man obedient to all God's rules.

2. Faith in His Angels.
God has a supernatural creature who is always prostrate, and glorify Him all the time, tirelessly, that the Angel. They were also devout and obedient and loyal and faithful to perform all the duties of Allah SWT. Affirmed by Allah: "They (the Angels) fear kepda uhan meeka to rule over them and implement what is in command. (Surat an-Nahl: 50)

3. Faith in Him-we kitb Allah revealed the teachings of His Prophets and the Apostles through the medium of the Angel Gabriel is known as Ruhul Qudus. Revelations from Allah, then collected in the form suhuf (a kind of small brochures), and the book. The prophet who had suhuf, among others, the Prophet Adam and Prophet Syisst.While the prophet / messenger who has the book is the prophet Moses (Torah), Prophets Daut (Psalms), Prophet Jesus (Gospel), the Prophet Muhammad (Al-Qur'an). As someone who believes in Allah SWT, we must believe fully that suhuf-suhuf and these books really set the word of Allah SWT, not written by the prophets themselves.

4.Faith to His Apostles To guide mankind to the true teachings of nature, God Almighty define humans as a messenger of His choice. They are the Prophets and Messengers. Word of God: "And We have not sent you, but to mankind as a bearer of glad tidings and a warner, but most of them do not know." (Surah Saba: 28). the number of prophets and apostles who need to know by the Muslims there were 25 people ranging from Prophet Adam to Prophet Muhammad PBUH. They shall we believe to be the messenger of Allah.

5. Faith in the Day of Judgement. We must believe that life in this world is only temporary, while life is eternal in nature hereafter. Now as a sign of movement of human life from the natural world into the natural world to the netherworld, God established the existence of doomsday end-to-day life in the world. When is the Day of Resurrection? Only God alone knew. Prophet himself only knew the signs before the Day of Resurrection. What is clear, on the Day of Judgement everything that exists in this universe will be destroyed perish. word of God: "And blown sangkala, then who's died dilanggit and on earth except one that the wills of God. Then the trumpet is blown once lagimaka suddenly they stood waiting for the decision (respectively).

6. Faith in qadha dn Qadhar. We must strongly believes that in creating mankind, God Almighty age set at the same time, food and a mate for humans. Thus everything that is good or bad datangny from Allah SWT. "Say (O Muhammad), all of that comes from God."(Surah An-Nisa: 78). But Allah alone encourage people to not give up just like that to destiny. His Word. "Allah does not change the fate of a nation, unless they change themselves."