Minggu, 09 Januari 2011


"TO each class, either this group or that group, we provide assistance from the Mercy of your Lord. And the mercy of your Lord can not be prevented" (   Surat Al-Isra ': 20) 

Everything will of God Almighty must have happened, and vice versa. Likewise, the remarkable ability of human beings, big / little, good / bad, useful / not, occur because of the will and power of Allah SWT alone. Human capabilities can be divided into;Miracles, Keramat, Ma'unah, Istidraj and Magic.

(A). Miracles It is something extraordinary powers possessed by the Prophet and Messenger of Allah
SWT. "And no right for someone to bring a verse Apostle (Muk- jizat) but with permission AllahSWT "Surah Ar-Rad: 38

As for the function or capability that is owned by the Prophets and Apostles are: 1. As a proof that the owner is an Apostle / Prophet 2. Adding prestige of the Prophet and Apostles. 3. Defeat his enemies.

Miracle nature which is owned by the Apostles / Prophets different. Still can be divided into several kinds:

1. Kauniyah Miracles, is a miracle which is a natural event, such as the sea was split by a blow stick Prophet Musa, peace, and in his moon split into two by the Prophet Muhammad. 2. Miracles Salbiyah or Tarkiyah, the miracle is to make something become helpless, like a prophet ibrahim which makes the fire grow cold. 3. Miracles Syahsiyah or Fi'iyah, is a miracle that emanated from the body's own messenger. For example, its light emanating from the hands of the Prophet Musa, peace, Mengucurnya water from the crevices of the fingers of the hands of Prophet Muhammad SAW. 4. Aqliyah Miracles, is a miracle that can be accepted by the mind and the only example is the Al-Quran.

All of the Apostle (messenger) of Allah SWT equipped with Miracles. Word of God. "To them for coming Apostles him with carrying a real miracle" QS Fathiir: 25. Among them was Prophet Noah AS, could bring flash floods, Prophet Saleh has a camel from the rock magnificent feathers, Prophet Solomon to be able to speak with animals and subjugate the jinn.

Among the Apostles only Prophet Musa, peace, Prophet's ascension, the Prophet Muhammad SAW who have a lot of miracles.

I. Miracles of Prophet Musa AS

Allah He will say: "Verily, Moses has come to bring the evidence of truth (Miracle)(QS: Al-Baqarah: 29)." Verily We have given nine (9) real miracle fruit '(QS: Al-Isra: 101) Nine real miracle that include; Sticks, Hand, Grasshopper, Blood, Taufan, Sea, Mount thur. Here are some embodiment of Miracles is owned by the Prophet Moses yng U.S..Make twelve (12) spring water with hitting his cane (QS: Al-Baqarah: 60), stick into a snake (QS: Al-A'raaf: 107) and (QS: Thaahaa: 20). White hand of Moses can be luminous (QS: Al-A'raaf: 108). Sea splitting into two (Sura: Ash-Syu'ara: 63)

II. Miracles of Prophet Isa AS

Allah says: "And We gave Jesus son of Mary some miracle and we strengthened him with the Holy Spirit (Angel Gabriel)" (Surah: Al-Baqarah: 253). Miracles are owned by the Prophet Isa AS include: Able to give the Spirit to the bird toys made of clay (QS: Ali Imran: 49), Healing the blind since birth (QS: Ali Imran: 49), can turn on people who have died world (QS: Ali Imran 49), knowledge of all that is eaten and stored in people's homes (QA: Ali Imran: 49)

III. Miracles of Prophet Muhammad

Some Miracles of Prophet Muhammad.: 1. Al-Qur'an, contains three main courses which are: Faith, Morals / Budi character, laws that govern the relationship between human beings and also to the nature / environment. 2. Can split the moon into two parts to meet the demand of the polytheists who want proof of his apostleship. 3. Can stop the course of the sun, and get bring back the sun had sunk. 4. Can emit water on the sidelines of his fingers, so mapu watered the crowd. 5. Can reproduce a little food. 6. Can cure some diseases that dangerous. 7. Can know the events that will come.

(B) Keramat

Derived from Arabic Karomah nobility or generosity, which means that in anugerahi by God Almighty to his guardian. For example, they (his guardian) to know the events that will happen or can walk on water surface, etc..

Indeed members and human organs, if used to obey Allah alone without used to perform immoral to have the sacred. Liver for example can learn to know something will happen, if the stomach can refuse food in the food served is haraam, ears to listen to the voices of unseen, and the eyes can see something behind a wall or even to see clearly something that was in the distance.

Wali Allah Almighty who had received the sacred that is Mary the mother of Prophet Isa AS. From the time of Mary, devoted himself to worship Allah in mirhab built by his uncle of the Prophet Zachariah, so there is no time for him to think about other things. Every entrance into the sanctuary of the Prophet Zakariya always find delicious food served on the side of Mary. When asked where he acquired it, Maryalways said "Verily, Allah gives sustenance to those who wished." Another saint who also obtained a Keramat is seven (7) youth who avoid the pursuit of a despotic ruler of the cave and eventually they fall asleep for 300 years, but whenawakened their bodies stay healthy and they are the same condition as when memreka enter the cave, as recounted in Al Qur'an in surat Al-Kahf.

C. Ma 'unah
The ability of ordinary people with the permission of Allah SWT to do something extraordinary called Ma'unah.

D. Istidraj

The ability of the wicked, by permission of Allah to do something extraordinary, for example, can stop a speeding vehicle or lift boulders that logically beyond his ability.

D. Magic

The ability of infidels or criminals with the permission of Allah SWT to make extraordinary decree anything destructive. Magic can affect the liver or the body, destroy his possessions, and decide one's affection rope.

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