Wali songo including figures who contributed to development of islamic religion in Indonesia. Wali Songo, or wali sanga known as a propagator of religion of Islam in the land of Java in the 14th century. They are the guardians songo lived in three important areas north coast of Java island, namely Surabaya, Gresik, Lamongan in East Java, Demak-Kudus-Muria in Central Java and Cirebon in West Java.
Songo guardian Era is the era of the end of Hindu-Buddhist dominance in the culture of the archipelago to be replaced with Islamic culture.
meaning word Wali Songo
There are several opinions about the guardian songo. First is the guardian nine coming from the Java language that is dross, there is a distinguished noble, say jg derived from the Arabic word and tsana from there which means place. Others say the guardian council songo is the first mission founded by Sunan Gresik namely Maulana Malik Ibrahim on year 1404 AD / 808 AH It songo guardian council member Maulana Malik Ibrahim (Sunan Gresik) itself, Maulana Ishaq (wali Sunan Lanang), Maulana Ahmad Jumadi Kubro (Sunan Kubrawi), Maulana Muhammad al-Maghrabi (Sunan Maghrabi), Maulana Malik Israil (of Champa), Maulana Ali Akbar, Maulana Hasanuddin, Maulana 'Aliyuddin and Syaik Subakir.
Of the many carers there are nine names songo the headliner namely:
- Sunan Gresik or Maulana Malik Ibrahim.
- Sunan Ampel or Raden Rahmat.
- Sunan Bonang or Makhdum Raden Ibrahim.
- Sunan Drajat or Raden Qosim.
- Sunan kudus or Ja'far Sadeq.
- Sunan Giri or Raden Paku / 'Ainul Yaqin.
- Sunan Kalijaga or Raden Said.
- Sunan Muria or Raden Umar Said
- Sunan Gunung Jati or Sharif Hidayatulla
Sunan Gresik or Maulana Malik Ibrahim was derived to 22 of the prophet Muhammad SAW. He estimated Samarkan born in Central Asia. Maulana Malik Ibrahim Regarded as one of the men who first spread the religion of Islam in the land of Java. He is embracing a distinguished masyarak Javanese Majapahit excluded from power. He founded the hostel to study Islamic religion dilereng Gresik. He Died in 1419.
2.SUNAN Ampel
Sunan Ampel Or is the descendant of Raden Rahmat to 22 of the prophet Muhammad SAW. According to history he was the son of Al-Akbar Ibrahim Zainuddin who is married to Princess Champa named goddess Condro distinguished from the Ming dynasty the last one. Sunan Ampel considered an elder by the other trustees.Pesantren there in Denta Ampel Surabaya and is the oldest place of the spread of Islam in Java.
3.SUNAN Bonang
Sunan Bonang was the son of Sunan Ampel. Descended to 23 of the prophet Muhammad. He is preaching through art. He dikatan seagai modifier Wijjil seclusion and Tombok Heart lagukan who still frequent in men. Sunan Bonang diperkirankan wafa in 1525 AD
4.SUNAN Drajat
Sunan Drajat was the son of Sunan Ampel with Manda Ageng singing daughter of a distinguished Tuban duke named Arya Teja and descended to 23 of the prophet Muhammad SAW. Sunan Drajat much preaching to the people most. He mengajarakan generosity, hard work and increased prosperity as an Islamic religious practice.Pesantren Sunan Drajat run independently housed in the village of Lamongan degrees.Sunan Drajat presumed dead in tahun1522 M.
5.SUNAN Kudus
Kudus is the son of Sunan Sunan Ngudung or Raden Usman Aji with Syarifah Ruhil title Nyi Nyi Ageng binti Anom Manyuran Malacca bin Sunan Ampel (Jd grandson of Sunan Ampel). Sunan descent to 24 of the Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW. As a trustee he berpern in the government of the sultanate of Demak as a warlord, Murshid Tariqa and a state court judge. He was a lot of preaching among the rulers and nobility of Java.Among his pupils was the ruler Parwoto Sunan Demak and Raden Arya Penagsang panolan Duke Noble. One legacy is a Mosque Minaret. He died in 1550 AD ny
6.SUNAN Giri
Sunan giri is the son of Maulana Ishaq. Sunan giri is a descendant of the prophet Muhammad to the 23 dri SAW.Ia is a student of Sunan Ampel and his seperguruan Sunan Bonang. He established the self-government in the next Giri kedaton Gresik role as a center of propaganda in Java and Indoneia section even until well into the eastern Moluccas islands. One of his most famous son is Sunan Giri Prapan who spread Islam in Lombok and Bima.
7. Sunan Kalijaga
Sunan Kalijaga is the son of the Duke of Tuban who named Raden Raden Wilatika or Sahur or Sayyid Ahmad ibn Mansour (Sheikh Subakir). He is a student of Sunan Bonang. Sunan Kalijaga using arts and culture as a means of preaching, among other things with puppets and song seclusion. Ilir-ilir song seclusion and Bald-shaven uumnya hoe is regarded as his work.
Sunan Muria Raden Umar Said or Sunan Kalijaga is the son of his wife Dewi Sarah bint Maulana Ishaq. Sunan Muria was married to Goddess Sujinah daughter of Sunan Ngundung, thus He is the brother-in-law of Sunan Kudus.
Sunan Gunung Jati or Hidayahtullah Sharif is the son of abdullah Umdatunddin Sharif Ali's son Husain Sheikh Nurul Alam's son Akbar Jamaliddin son. From his mother's side still offspring Palace Pajajaran via Nyi Rara Jones is the son of King Sri Maharaja Baduga. Cirebon, Sunan Gunung be made as a center of propaganda and the government, which later became the Sultanate of Cirebon. Her son is named Maulana Hasanuddin who successfully develop and deploy the power of religion in Banten so that became the forerunners of Kesultanaan Banten.
According to Sunan Ampel haul of books written by KH Mohammad Dahlan, a general assembly called the mayor preaches songo actually comprised several armed. The guardians songo a very popular life is not exactly at the same time, However one another has close links either blood or marriage or the relationship of teacher and student. When someone dies it is replaced by a prominent position in the other. Wali songo consists of 8 force.
As for the force to 1 (1404-1435 AD), into 2 (1435-1483 AD), s / d to 8 (1592-1650).
The legend is Raden Fatah forces into 4 (1466-1513), Sheikh Siti Jenar that menggntikan Sunan Ampel force to 5 (1513-1533), Sultan Hadiwijaya or Joko Tingkir the 8th generation