Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010



Legal sources of Islam  there are four, namely: Al-Quran, Hadith, consensus, Qiyas.

  1. Al-Quran is the holy book of Islam  which is a collection of word of Allah revealed to prophet Muhammad, through angel Gabriel as. Word of Allah,"Al-Quran is a guidance for mankind, as well as guidance and mercy for the believers." (Surat al-Jaatsiyah: 20)
  2. Hadith is all said words, deeds and taqrir (silent sign agreed / allowed for the actions of the companions) of Prophet Muhammad SAW as the bearer of the teachings of Islam  . Word of Allah SWT. "Obey Allah and His Messenger, that ye may obtain mercy." (QSAli Imran: 123)
  3. Ijmak was the consensus of the scholars of Islam   in berijtihad of a law of Islam that has not been clear in the Qur'an and not found in the Hadith. God said. "O ye who believe, obey Allah and His Messenger, and ulil amri of you(Surah An-Nis: 59) which referred ulil amri dala paragraph includes two senses: Ulil amri urusun world is the ruler or government Ulil amri in religious affairs of Muslims are the scholars
  4. Qiyas, the law of Islam is to liken a case that there is no legal provision in the Qur'an as the holy book of Islam with other existing case law, because there are similarities in the reasons.

  1. Mandatory (fardhu), the law of Islam  is a necessity, understanding, all the commands of Allah SWT that we must do
a. Mandatory Syar'i, the law of Islam  is a provision that if work brings reward, otherwise if not done countless sins. b. Mandatory legal Akli.dalam Islam  is a legal determination that must be believed to be true because the reasonable and rational c. Mandatory Aini, in Islamic law is a provision that must be done by every Muslim, including the five daily prayers, Friday prayer, fasting, and so forth. d. Mandatory kifayah, in Islamic law is a provision that if a person already done by other Muslims are exempt from it, but if nobody does it, then berdosalah everything. e. Mandatory Muaiyyan, in Islamic law is a must yag predetermined range of actions, for example, stands for power when praying. f. Mandatory Mukhayar, the law of Islam  is an obligation which may be dai various options that have been assigned to do, such as fines in the oath, must choose between feeding the poor or giving 10 people 10 people clothing the poor. g. Mandatory Mutlaq, in Islamic law an obligation for an undefined time carry them, such as paying fines oath. h. Mandatory Aqli Nazari, in Islamic law is the obligation to believe a truth by understanding their arguments or with an in-depth research, such as believing the existence of Allah SWT i. Mandatory Aqli Dharur, in Islamic law trust obligation adala truth by itself, without diburuhkan certain propositions of control as people will be satisfied.
2. Sunna, the Islamic law is a matter which if done will get a reward and if the sodium absorption ratio abandoned sinner. a.Sunnah muakad, in Islamic law is a highly recommended sunnah, such arawih prayers and Eid prayers. b. Muakkad Ghairu Sunnah, the law of Islam   is ordinary voluntary. For example, greet others and fasting on Monday and Thursday. c. Haiah Sunnah, in the law of Islam is the case-the case in the prayer that sebiknya do, like raising both hands when Takbir, Allahu Akbar say when it will be bowing and prostrating, and so forth. d.Sunnah Ab'ad, in Islamic law contemplates the go round in a prayer to be done and then forgotten lkalau must perform prostration for forgetfulness, as reading the initial tasyahud and so forth.

3. Haram, in Islamic law is a matter which forbidden. such as drinking, stealing, gambling, and so forth.

4. Makruh, the law of Islam is a matter that is not preferred / desired. However, if done without sin and if left to rewarding such as smoking, eating berambang mentah.dan others.

5.Mubah, the law of Islam is a matter which, if done without sin and if ditingga not get a reward. 

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