Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010



In essence, faith and Islam  is an integral and not separate, parables islam is a building, while the priest is the foundation. Islam is the principal who grew up on the rules of sharia ( Islamic ) Sharia was grown by kepercyaan (faith) . thus, there is no sharia in Islam but in the presence of trust. (faith). Faith is a fundamental problem in Islam  . Messenger is always preaching to instill a matter of faith. What is faith according to the saheeh hadeeth narrated by Muslim: "faith is you believe in (the six pillars of faith).
  1. Allah SWT.
  2. His angels.
  3. His scriptures.
  4. Messenger of His apostles.
  5. Days later
  6. His fate is outlined.
Confirmed by a letter of An-Nisa verse 136 :"..... Whoever denies God, His angels, His scriptures, His messengers and the Last Day, then he has gone astray as far as possible. 

1. Faith in God Almighty
People of Islam is obligatory to believe fully the existence of Allah, the Almighty God, creator and sole ruler of the universe, the owner of all the greatness and perfection.
What evidence is there that God is Almighty? to answer this question the clergy called forth the proposition that the proposition "starting behind" in terms of the original argument of "At-Tamanu". Namely, if there is some God (if only there were two gods), surely there will be clashes between the two. And certainly, God wants each other menglahkan God. Consequently, if God is one, for example, intends to create the universe, while others do not what happened? There will be a disaster !!!!!
The question arises: Is it not possible that both God's peace and work together in realizing nature? If this happens means that illustrates just how weak and stupid God-God is because it means they are no different from humans who need to work together to make / create something.

According to a prominent Muslim leaders from Pakistan (Abul A'la Maududi) positive impact of faith in God:
  1. Eliminating the narrow and parochial outlook.
  2. Instilling confidence in yourself and know self-esteem.
  3. Growing humble, peaceful attitude, and sincere.
  4. Form a virtuous man and a knight
  5. eliminates the nature morose and hopeless in the face of every problem
  6. Resolute, patient, steadfast, and full of optimism
  7. Made man obedient to all God's rules.

2. Faith in His Angels.
God has a supernatural creature who is always prostrate, and glorify Him all the time, tirelessly, that the Angel. They were also devout and obedient and loyal and faithful to perform all the duties of Allah SWT. Affirmed by Allah: "They (the Angels) fear kepda uhan meeka to rule over them and implement what is in command. (Surat an-Nahl: 50)

3. Faith in Him-we kitb Allah revealed the teachings of His Prophets and the Apostles through the medium of the Angel Gabriel is known as Ruhul Qudus. Revelations from Allah, then collected in the form suhuf (a kind of small brochures), and the book. The prophet who had suhuf, among others, the Prophet Adam and Prophet Syisst.While the prophet / messenger who has the book is the prophet Moses (Torah), Prophets Daut (Psalms), Prophet Jesus (Gospel), the Prophet Muhammad (Al-Qur'an). As someone who believes in Allah SWT, we must believe fully that suhuf-suhuf and these books really set the word of Allah SWT, not written by the prophets themselves.

4.Faith to His Apostles To guide mankind to the true teachings of nature, God Almighty define humans as a messenger of His choice. They are the Prophets and Messengers. Word of God: "And We have not sent you, but to mankind as a bearer of glad tidings and a warner, but most of them do not know." (Surah Saba: 28). the number of prophets and apostles who need to know by the Muslims there were 25 people ranging from Prophet Adam to Prophet Muhammad PBUH. They shall we believe to be the messenger of Allah.

5. Faith in the Day of Judgement. We must believe that life in this world is only temporary, while life is eternal in nature hereafter. Now as a sign of movement of human life from the natural world into the natural world to the netherworld, God established the existence of doomsday end-to-day life in the world. When is the Day of Resurrection? Only God alone knew. Prophet himself only knew the signs before the Day of Resurrection. What is clear, on the Day of Judgement everything that exists in this universe will be destroyed perish. word of God: "And blown sangkala, then who's died dilanggit and on earth except one that the wills of God. Then the trumpet is blown once lagimaka suddenly they stood waiting for the decision (respectively).

6. Faith in qadha dn Qadhar. We must strongly believes that in creating mankind, God Almighty age set at the same time, food and a mate for humans. Thus everything that is good or bad datangny from Allah SWT. "Say (O Muhammad), all of that comes from God."(Surah An-Nisa: 78). But Allah alone encourage people to not give up just like that to destiny. His Word. "Allah does not change the fate of a nation, unless they change themselves."

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