Kamis, 23 Desember 2010

kulafaur rasyidin

DEFINITION is the caliph khulafau Rasyidin a wise and prudent. They are the companions of Muhammad who was elected Rasullah pangganti after Rasullah's death, other than that there are four characters on them .. Rasullah Abu Bakar Sidiq are honest, patient and wise, Umar Bin Khatab was a very serious and brave in upholding justice, he never smiled so Rasullahlah man once said let the devil would be afraid if you met him, Usman bin Affan was the one with modern thinking in the time he was the first time Al-Qur'an in print in book form, while Ali Bin Abi Talib is the highly intelligent person.

A. AH Abubakar Siddiq RA. (11-13 H/632-634 M)

The original name Abdullah bin Abi Quhafah, born after the Prophet aged 2 yrs 1 month later known by the nickname Abu Bakr, while Ash Siddiq acquired him because he really justify Rasullah SAW in all respects.

Since the young have become friends and he is also the Prophet Muhammad when the Prophet Muhammad that accompany when the cave hira. He jg first person from among the parents who first embraced Islam. When the Prophet was ill, he is trusted by friends as a priest to offer prayers.
The first program when he became Caliph is soaking rebellion, fighting against those who disobey not want to pay zakat, apostate who was a lot going on and cause chaos everywhere. After the prophet's death they feel entitled to do sekendahak liver. Even more tragic longer appears the people who claim to be a false prophet, among others Musallamah Al-Kadzdzdab, Tulaiha al-Asadi and Al-Aswad Al-Ansi

To align aqidah these people, he sent the army eleven eleven regions, in addition to that he ordered the collection and writing of the verses of Al-Qur-'An with Zaid bin Thabit appointed as the executing.

The collection and writing of Al-Qur'an done with petinbangan:

1. Many friends who know by heart al-Qur 'died in the war quell apostasy
2. The verses of Al-Qur'an, written on palm shells, stones, bark a lot of damaged and need repair.
3. Writing and books are for people yamg will come to read it and become a guideline Within the era.

During his reign, Abu Bakr also expand the area include the Iraqi Islamic proselytizing under Persian and Syrian rule that under Roman rule.

B. UMAR BIN KHATAB RA. (13-23 H/634-644)

He is younger than 13 years of the prophet Muhammad SAW. Since childhood he has been known for smart and brave. There was never afraid to state the truth in front of anyone. It is not surprising that after he converted to Islam the Muslims greatly feared by orang2 Quraish. Then He is best known as the "Lion of the Desert." He also holds al-Faruq, meaning people who firmly distinguish between right and wrong.

In his reign Islam expanded to Egypt, Syria, Iraq and other Persian countries. Umar was the first to form a judicial body and perfecting the system of government and continue the effort recorded Al-Qur'an.

He died at the age of 63 years after ruling for 10 years and six months. He stabbed the sword dies Abu Lu'lu "Ah, a slave owned by Al-Mugheerah bin Shucba during dawn prayers. He was buried in Aisha's house near the tomb of Abu Bakr. He was a hero who is very simple and loving the little people. The words which widely known is "Who saw me deviate, then he straightened my henaklah"

Services Umar bin Khatab when it became caliph

1. Determination of Hijri year as the official year
2. Customs as income Countries
3. Social benefits for poor people than among the Christian and Jewish
4 Development of Cities and waterways to improve people's welfare.
5. The award of salaries for the imam and muezzin
6. Abolition of slavery
7. Construction of schools
8. Kondisifikasi Al-Qur'an
9. Tradition tarawih prayer in congregation.

C. BIN Uthman Affan RA. (23-35 H/644-656 M)

He was a wealthy sadagara and co-author of the famous revelation. He was five years younger than the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Since the young He is best known as a quiet and has an admirable character. He who buys Raunah wells to serve the public well. So many charitable good deeds so that people menggelarinya "Ghaniyyun Shakir" (the rich are most grateful to AllahSWT).

Even the rich, Usman was never keep a distance from the lower class people, even he did not hesitate to join the war. Because of his kindness he dinikhi with the daughter of the Prophet who named Ruqaiyah. After Ruqaiyah died he married the daughter of another prophet Umm Kulthum. Because people give him the title "Dzun Nuran" (who had two light)

Step-langkahyang done is replace gubernur2 he conquered countries who want to secede after Umar Bin Khatab died. Then he reproduce the text of Al-Qur'an that have been booked into seven copies of, among others, sent to Syria, Yemen, Bahrain and etc Kufa.

Usman died at the age of 82. He had died when I read Al-Qur-'An, by the sword stab Humran bin Sudan. Usman was the greatest service to maintain Al-Qur-An, as the spread now.

D. Ali ibn Abi Talib RA. (35-40 H / 656-661 AD)

He is the son of Abu Talib, the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad. As a cousin who was 32 years younger, allows he was in custody directly by the Prophet Muhammad. From a class of children he was the first to embrace Islam. No wonder his knowledge of Islam is vast and holds fast to his teachings.
since the time of Ali's Islamic government is receding. Starting from the many demands for the death of Uthman Affan bib, especially from among infants Umaiyyah and groups' Aisha. The atmosphere heats up with the wisdom of replacing most of the government officials who have been appointed by Uthman.

Deadlocked peace effort, resulting in war. First battle Waq'atul touched (Naming is because Aisha with his troops using camel). This battle occurred in AD because of incitement 36H/657 Abdullah bin saba '. This war was won by Ali Forces. Having briefed Aisha finally returned to Madinah with respect and initiated.

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